- Mammalian glial protrusion transcriptomes predict localization of Drosophila glial transcripts required for synaptic plasticity Dalia Gala, Jeff Y Lee, Maria Kiourlappou, Joshua S. Titlow, Rita O. Teodoro, Ilan Davis, biorXiv
- Systematic analysis of YFP traps reveals common mRNA/protein discordance in neural tissues Joshua S Titlow, Maria Kiourlappou, Ana Palanca, Jeffrey Y Lee, Dalia S Gala, et al., Journal of Cell Biology
- Universal adaptive optics for microscopy through embedded neural network control Qi Hu, Martin Hailstone, Jingyu Wang, Matthew Wincott, Danail Stoychev, Huriye Atilgan, Dalia Gala et al., arXiv
- Far from home: the role of glial mRNA localization in synaptic plasticity Dalia Sara Gala, Josh S Titlow, Rita O Teodoro, Ilan Davis, RNA Journal
- Looking for a Handsome Carpenter! Debiasing GPT-3 Job Advertisements Conrad Borchers, Dalia Gala, Benjamin Gilburt, Eduard Oravkin, Wilfried Bounsi, Yuki M Asano, Hannah Kirk [equal contribution], Proceedings of the The 4th Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing (GeBNLP)
- Absolute quantitation of individual SARS-CoV-2 RNA molecules provides a new paradigm for infection dynamics and variant differences Lee, Jeffrey Y; Wing, Peter AC; Gala, Dalia S; et al. [*equal contribution], Elife
- Wavefront-sensorless adaptive optics with a laser-free spinning disk confocal microscope Hussain, Syed Asad; Kubo, Toshiki; Hall, Nicholas; Gala, Dalia et al., Journal of microscopy
- A universal framework for microscope sensorless adaptive optics: Generalized aberration representations Hu, Q; Wang, J; Antonello, J; Hailstone, M; Wincott, M; Turcotte, R; Gala, D; Booth, MJ; APL Photonics